I hope what I write about life touches you in some way. I hope that what I go through helps you live life a little bit easier. I hope the words written here helps change something for the better. Read on, dear friends. Read on, and help me like I hope I help you.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

(i don't wanna wait. i just wanna know. i just wanna hear you tell me so. ~~ROB THOMAS)

it's wednesday... two days till the weekend starts, three days till my next shift. two days until my get-together.
this week's awesome. i got called into work last night at eleven o'clock and stayed until a little after two. got me about four extra hours on my next paycheck, which is nice. four more hours of money that i can't complain about. friday is going to be fun. i'm having a monthly get together and people who weren't here last month are going to be here. people i haven't seen in a long time are coming (i hope).
work isn't so insane anymore.... but there is a reason for that. there is someone i am working with who is totally awesome. different that the other people i've been working with. definately someone who helps ease the boredom and the drama-filled norm of Burger King. now, it isn't so mundane. well, we'll see what happens, because i know this might not last very long.
anyways, it's a beautiful day, with the tempurature being in the low eighties, the sun high in the sky, and clear blue skies. great day to be out and about. :D i just love days like today because it means that life seems to drift by a little slower, it doesn't seem as stressful (bull), and nothing can go wrong (bull). but it also is a little bit deceitful because the past three weeks for me have been full of drama.
i hear sunday it's supposed to cool down a bit. it should be in the upper fifties... still warm for this time of year, but i can't complain. this march has been the warmest i can remember.
anyways... i work saturday and it's going to be hell, because i'll be working with management that doesnt like me much. the one good thing about saturday is that i am working with aforementioned person, so we can suffer together and maybe we'll be okay.
anyways, i am going to go and enjoy today's weather while it lasts (it should for the rest of the day, but i don't wanna be on the computer all afternoon).
b.e.c.r.e.a.t.i.v.e. and enjoy life. don't let a moment pass you by.


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